
NLP Text Summarization
Generated Summaries based on input text. Data Collected from HugginFace and a Pretrained model: Google PegasusCNN with Autotokenizer was used to train the model. Metrics like rouge_metric was used to evaluate the performance of the model.

Movie Recommendation System
Developed a comprehensive movie recommendation system that allows users to search for movies, view detailed information, and rate them. The system analyzes user ratings to assess the quality of movies (good or bad) and provides personalized movie recommendations based on individual user preferences and past ratings.

Pneumonia Detection
A machine learning project using CNN. In this experiment first I use CNN to build a model and create model class then do this experiment I use VGG-16 and ResNet-50 with the dataset from “Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center” dataset consists of around 5000 and 600 images in the training and testing set respectively and the accuracy was for VGG-16 91.35% while Resnet-50 network model got an accuracy of 88.00%.

Course Selection System
In this system have three roles-Admin, teacher and students. Each of them has different permission, like select-withdraw course, create course-class, scoring etc. a complete course selection system with JavaScript.

A fully functional online shopping store using Django. The platform includes secure user authentication, a dynamic product catalog, shopping cart, and a seamless checkout process with payment integration. Users can manage their orders and view order history. An admin dashboard allows for efficient management of products, orders, and users. The store features a review and rating system, responsive design for mobile devices.